4Be TransAddictionHelp
Address: Hammer Landstr. 56, 20537 Hamburg
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 0402000105422
Mobile: –
Fax: –
Other contact information: –
Gender specific: No
Short description:
Offers for all trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people, for relatives, couples, families and people who work professionally with the topic, e.g. teachers, social pedagogues, therapists, trainers, etc.
Languages: German, English
Access: phone, in person, online, mobile
Office hours:
Open consultation hours anonymously and without prior appointment.
Wednesdays 3-6 pm.
Please expect waiting times during open consultation hours, when making appointments and when answering e-mails.
Focus areas:
- Community-based trans addiction support
- 4BE: “4be” pronounced for be is “for being” or “because you exist, we are there for you”
- Advice and support in addiction issues, as well as referral to further help.
- Support from experienced peers, specialists, psychotherapists, diagnostics, preparation of indications and expert opinions.
- Advice for questions about coming out, first steps, possibilities, conflicts, uncertainties, first name and civil status changes and much more …
To the advisory service: https://www.therapiehilfe.de/standorte/4be-transsuchthilfe/#:~:text=Angebote%20f%C3%BCr%20all%20trans,%20not%20bin%C3%A4ren
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