- Social media campaign “Solidarity without borders. Our feminism is anti-racist”
On the feminist day of struggle, March 8, the social media campaign “Solidarity without borders. Our feminism is anti-racist!” was launched. The campaign is being coordinated as part of the “Network for Refugee Girls and Young Women” project. As part of the campaign, the participating organizations are taking a stand and formulating demands for the rights and safety of refugee girls and FLINTA* persons. Every day until 21 March, statements from the participating organizations will be published on the BumF’s social media channels.
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- Invitation to the March 8 demonstration in Potsdam from 11:00-14:00
On March 8, Women in Exile invites you to take to the streets together in Potsdam. There will be a loud protest in front of the Ministry of the Interior, followed by a demonstration to the state parliament to condemn the increasing racism and the threat to the right to asylum. The situation is becoming increasingly threatening and it is time for society to take a stand.
The project “Netzwerk geflüchtete Mädchen und junge Frauen” supports the call!
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- Online impulse circle: New perspectives for refugee women?!
The ECJ ruling of January 16 and its implications (March 4, 11-12 a.m.)
On 16.01.2024, the European Court of Justice issued a new landmark ruling that supports the rights of refugee women. In order to be granted refugee status, membership of a particular social group must be established. “Women” were previously regarded as “too large a group” and “not delimitable” – the Court has clarified that this cannot be denied in the case of gender-specific persecution. Impulse lecture followed by a discussion.
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- The network for refugee girls and young women:
Looking back and moving forward (March 12, 2 – 5.30 p.m.)
As part of the Network for Refugee Girls and Young Women project, we invite you to celebrate, reflect on and summarize two years of eventful project work – and to take a look ahead from there in a joint exchange. Program: Presentation of the project content, exchange, outlook, film screening with Mpower e.V.
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- Call for proposals “Strengthening the integration of queer refugees and migrants”
Support program
For the first time, the LSVD is launching a call for funding, made possible by the Bosch Foundation and in cooperation with the Hirschfeld Foundation. Organizations that want to offer integration projects for queer refugees and migrants can apply for the funding programme. Projects in smaller towns and rural areas are particularly targeted, as are migrant self-organizations (MSOs). Application deadline is 31.03.2024. You can find the complete invitation to tender and all related documents on the website of
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- Workshop “CLASSISM at the intersection of racism and (hetero/cis)sexism in MINTA work”
A needs assessment carried out by the IM*A project in 2018 on the needs of girls* and women* who have fled their homes already identified this: There is great inequality among visitors to OKJA facilities, which is partly due to a lack of financial resources. This situation has now deteriorated further due to world events in recent years (pandemic, inflation, wars, etc.). The current statistics show that one in five children in Germany is affected by poverty (according to the latest children’s report from the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk e.V.).
The LAGM*A workshop will deal with classism in the intersection with other lines of discrimination (such as racism and hetero/cis-sexism).
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- Violence against women: ECJ explains the conditions for granting international protection
Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) January 16, 2024
Directive 2011/95 sets out the conditions for granting refugee status on the one hand and subsidiary protection for third-country nationals on the other. Refugee status is provided for in cases of persecution of third-country nationals on grounds of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group. Subsidiary protection, in turn, applies to any third-country national who does not meet the conditions for recognition as a refugee, but who has provided substantial grounds for believing that he or she would face a real risk of suffering serious harm, including in particular execution and inhuman or degrading treatment, if returned to his or her country of origin.
The Court rules that the Directive must be interpreted in accordance with the Istanbul Convention, which binds the European Union and recognizes gender-based violence against women as a form of persecution. The Court also points out that women as a whole can be regarded as belonging to a social group within the meaning of Directive 2011/95. Consequently, they can be granted refugee status if they are exposed to physical or psychological violence, including sexual violence and domestic violence, in their country of origin because of their gender.
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- Statement on the International Day against Violence against Women 2023
The “International Day against Violence against Women” on November 25 and the subsequent days of action (November 25 to December 10) are dedicated to the fight against the everyday patriarchal violence to which girls and FLINTA* are exposed worldwide.
On this day, the Bundesfachverband unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge e.V., together with over 25 other organizations, calls for the full and effective implementation of the “Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence” (Istanbul Convention) and reiterates various demands for effective protection against violence for refugee girls and FLINTA*!
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- Separation Impossible
The residence status of refugee women* often depends on their marriage to their husband. Even if it is violent. If she leaves the man, she loses her residence permit. If she tries to defend herself against the man, he can threaten her with separation and she will also lose her right of residence.
The play TRENNUNGimpossible will be performed again this year to mark the International Day against Violence against Women.
Admission is on a donation basis.
When: November 25, 7 p.m.
Where: Spore.initiative, Hermannstraße 86, 12051 Berlin
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- Online symposia on trans*inclusive girls*work
+++ Save-The-Date +++
14.03.2024 | all day Online networking day “Exchange and empowerment for trans*, non-binary and inter professionals” only for TIN* professionals working in the field of girls* work
16/17.04.2024 | all-day online symposium “On the way to trans*inclusive girls’ work – questions, challenges, experiences” for all interested professionals with a connection to the field of girls’ work
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- What do human trafficking and exploitation have to do with our work?
For many of us, the issue of human trafficking seems far away. It is hard to believe, but human trafficking is still present in the 21st century and everywhere in the world
available. Those affected have many faces and life stories. They find it difficult to report on the inhumane offense. The people who work with
people who have contact with them – as professionals or volunteers – often encounter these people without having any background knowledge about these particular events. Helpers have many questions and uncertainties during the accompaniment. It is therefore a great challenge to understand the behavior of those affected in order to provide them with the best possible support.When: 23.11.2023 | 17.15 – 19.15 hrs
Location: Kulturzentrum Lagerhaus Bremen e.V. Schildstraße 12-19, 28203 Bremen
Speaker: Helene Gustschew
Registration: [email protected]
Please enter your name, e-mail address and, if applicable, your name when registering. Specify organization
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- On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Book reading with Women in Exile
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25), the project Network of Refugee Girls and Young Women together with Women in Exile invites you to a book reading in Berlin. Activists from Women in Exile will read from the book “Breaking Borders to Build Bridges: 20 Years of Women in Exile.” The book, written collectively by Women in Exile, is a collection of texts about flight, survival, the situation in refugee camps, and 20 years of advocacy as a group of refugee women for the abolition of camps and for freedom of movement.
When: November 21, 2023, 6.30 – 8.30 p.m.
Where: Aquarium (Südblock) Admiralstr. 1-2, 10999 Berlin
More information here.
In-depth seminar “Gender-specific persecution of girls and young women”
In Germany, gender-specific persecution is legally recognized as a reason for flight. Persons affected by gender-specific persecution are to be regarded as particularly vulnerable persons within the meaning of the Reception Directive and as such have special procedural guarantees.
In practice, however, there is a large discrepancy between the number of affected persons observed by specialist advice centers and the very low number of actual recognitions in the asylum procedure. In addition, there is a widespread lack of early systematic identification of those affected and girls* and young women* have hardly any access to information about their own rights.
In addition to extensive theoretical input with concrete case studies, there will also be room for questions, exchange and discussion.
Speaker: Claire Deery, lawyer
More information and registration here.
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- New publication of the Federal Coordination Group against Human Trafficking (KOK) e.V.
Data Collection on Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Germany – KOK Report 2022
KOK e.V. has published its fourth data report on human trafficking and exploitation in Germany. This will address the situation in 2022. The data collection of specialized counseling centers for trafficked persons provides important insights into counseling practice in Germany.
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- Women and Girls in Afghanistan: Two years on from the Taliban takeover
Two years ago, the Taliban took power in Afghanistan following the frantic withdrawal of NATO troops. Since then, journalists, LGBTQI+ people, former government employees, as well as activists for women’s and human rights, have been among those targeted with repression and open violence. At the same time, there are virtually no safe routes out of the country. The impact of the Taliban takeover on women and girls in Afghanistan has been particularly severe.
- Online meeting for the Netzwerk geflüchtete Mädchen und junge Frauen (Network for Refugee Girls and Young Women)
On September 27, BumF is hosting a digital network meeting from 10 am to 12.30 pm. The first part of the event will focus on current developments concerning the network. There will also be a networking space. The second part will focus on the situation of girls and women from Afghanistan, with a talk by Dr. Alema Alema, Afghanistan consultant at Pro Asyl.
To register for the event, please email us with ‘Netzwerktreffen’ in the subject line, by September 20 on [email protected]. - LSVD Webtalk: Young LGBTIQ Refugees and Social Work
- Webtalk du LSVD
Les jeunes réfugié·e·s LGBTIQ* dans le travail social
Am 26. September 2023, 14.00 bis 15.30 Uhr: Flüchtlingsunterkünfte sind für junge lesbische, schwule, bisexuelle, trans*, intergeschlechtliche und queere (LSBTIQ*) Geflüchtete häufig Angsträume. Es gibt kaum Unterstützungsangebote. Schutzkonzepte, die auch minderjährige LSBTIQ*-Geflüchtete mit einbeziehen, selten. Wie können Fachkräfte in Unterkünften, und vor allem in der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit, junge LSBTIQ*- Geflüchtete stärken? Was sind ihre spezifischen Herausforderungen in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Unterbringung oder in der Selbstbildung/Identitätsbildung?
- Change course! Protest call for Interior Ministers’ Conference, Berlin, June 15th 2023
German asylum policy continues to focus on deterence. As a result, daily life for refugees in Germany is defined by mass shelters, work bans, deportations, racist police violence and social exclusion. Jugendliche Ohne Grenzen (Youth Without Borders) and an alliance of civil society organizations are calling for a real change of course. Join the demonstration as German interior ministers meet in Berlin. For more information and/or to put your signature our demands:
- Practical guide for interpreters working with refugees on sexual health and reproductive rights
A new working aid from the Paritätischer Gesamtverband offers recommendations for language mediators helping refugees to access sexual and reproductive health care. It also serves as a set of guidelines for advice/counseling centers and other relevant spaces employing language interpreters.