Ban Ying e.V.


Ban Ying e.V.

Mission statement/description:

Who we are

Ban Ying e.V. is a coordination and specialist advice center against human trafficking.

As one of Berlin’s oldest women’s projects in this field, we campaign for the rights of migrant women who have experienced violence, exploitation or human trafficking.

Our values:

  • No human being is illegal

  • Everyone has the right to migrate

  • Everyone must have access to justice, regardless of whether he/she has legal papers

  • We work with a focus on human rights

  • Our approach is anti-racist, non-discriminatory and gender-sensitive

  • We are committed to equal participation in social resources, regardless of origin

  • We are non-denominational

Who we work for:

The aim of our work is to improve the living conditions and socio-legal situation of migrant women in Germany. To achieve this, our work is aimed not only at migrant women affected by violence, but also at those around them and the wider public.

The counseling services offered by Ban Ying e.V. are aimed at immigrant women and transgender people in Berlin and, if applicable, in Germany. In exceptional cases, immigrants can also receive counseling.

The focus is on:

  • Victims of human trafficking
  • Immigrant women from Southeast Asia who are particularly affected by experiences of violence in the migration process, marital problems and residence issues
  • Domestic servants of diplomats

Our way of working:

Our Advice is free of charge. If required, we can provide advice with language mediation.

We advise migrant women regardless of their residence status. We also offer anonymous advice on request.

Our public relations work is based on protecting the identity and interests of our clients.


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