(Brochure) Information Service 2022 – Trafficking in Minors, 2022
Name of publisher: KOK – Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V. (Federal Coordination Group against Human Trafficking).
Short Description:
In recent years, the issue of trafficking in minors has received increasing political and media attention, especially with regard to traffickers who seduce and manipulate young people into the sex industry. KOK’s specialized counseling centers for victims of human trafficking also support underage trafficked persons and measures taken by other child and youth protection organizations/workers. With this year’s information service, KOK aims to shed more light on the topic of human trafficking in minors and contribute to basic awareness in this area. The information service also pays special attention to positive developments and presents efforts currently underway in Germany.
Language: German

to the publication: https://www.kok-gegen-menschenhandel.de/fileadmin/user_upload/medien/Informationsdienst/KOK_Informationsdienst_2022_-_Menschenhandel_mit_Minderjaehrigen.pdf