Women in Exile

Women in Exile

Website/URL: https://www.women-in-exile.net/
Mission statement/description:

Women in Exile is an initiative of refugee women who came together in Brandenburg in 2002 to fight for their rights. Our fundamental political goal is the utopia of a just society without exclusion or discrimination, with equal rights for all people, no matter where they come from or where they are going. In concrete policy terms, our focus is on the abolition of all discriminatory laws against asylum seekers and other migrants. We are a feminist organization, and one of the few intersections between the women’s movement and the refugee movement. Our experience is of women connecting across different cultures, ages, religions, sexual orientations and other diverse perspectives, and proving that together we can make a difference. We develop strategies to effect political change and focus public attention on the right of refugee women to human living conditions.


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